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Visiting emergency desalination plants to realize desalination industrial trends

Desalinated water is unaffected by periodic high flow and dry spell. On this occasion of Taiwan’s worst drought in 56 years, WRA installs emergency seawater desalination units in Hsinchu and Taichung for the purpose of stabilizing water supply.

The deputy director Ye of WRPI led colleagues to visit emergency desalination plants in Hsinchu( shown as Fig.1) and Taichung( shown as Fig.2) on June 3, 2021. The maximum quantity to produce water of Hsinchu desalination plant is 13,000 tons/day, and the maximum quantity to produce water of Taichung desalination plant is about 15,000 tons/day. The visiting of the two desalination plants will be helpful to realize the water treatment process of desalination industrial trends.

Visiting emergency desalination plants to realize desalination industrial trends - fig.1

Fig.1  Visiting Hsinchu desalination plant (the maximum quantity to produce water of Hsinchu desalination plant is about 13,000 tons/day)

Visiting emergency desalination plants to realize desalination industrial trends - fig.2

Fig.2  Visiting Taichung desalination plant and field discussion (the maximum quantity to produce water of Taichung desalination plant is about 15,000 tons/day)